
Home Sauna Gold Coast

A Home Sauna on the Gold Coast Battles High Blood Pressure.

The odds prove unfavourable. Every day delivers a series of physical and environmental triggers, all pushing your blood pressure toward dangerously high levels. These triggers - which include smoking, an excess of salt in your diet, alcohol consumption, or even simple genetics - wreak havoc on your body’s systolic and diastolic numbers. They showcase fluctuating heartbeats and troubled arteries.

They also showcase the need for a home sauna on the Gold Coast.

According to Drs. Beck Edward and Heater Kort (in conjunction with the University of Missouri), saunas help to combat high blood pressure. Far infrared therapies penetrate the body, delivering controlled bursts of heat. This contributes to relieving oxidative stress, as well as stabilise endorphin production - elements which help to relax individuals and promote slower heartbeats.

This translates to improved results, with home saunas on the Gold Coast decreasing overall numbers. Participants in the study saw their levels fall from 130.5 PH to 124 PH - a remarkable difference that enhances general health and wellbeing.

Controlling blood pressure is a challenge for many. External triggers are often difficult to counter. A home sauna on the Gold Coast, however, could yield long-lasting results.

To learn more about the benefits of home saunas - or to receive information about JNH Lifestyle’s exclusive line of far infrared models - contact us today. We’ll gladly address any questions, concerns, or comments.


Monday to Friday
9.00am to 3.00pm




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